Letter Identification and Sorting ALL IN ONE!

Thursday, February 5, 2015
I am currently clearing my credential. I am going through an induction program instead of going through a university. That means I have a mentor, I do reflections, I have meetings, and I get OBSERVED (and I thought student teacher was over!). I was observed on Monday and threw together a lesson late Sunday night focused on letter identification (and sorting) and it went surprisingly really well.

First, I introduced our letter of the week, Q. Then we did an activity on the iPad using Boardmaker Online. (I recently bought an subscription. It is $20 a month and totally worth it! It does so much and really engages the students in almost any activity you can imagine...or create.) After our technology fun, we dove into our pocket chart activity. Lastly, the students completed their own sorting worksheets.

Pocket Chart Sorting

 Individual Sorting Worksheet

You can download this activity here. It is valentine's day themed and FREE! 

It worked so well for my students that I created an A-Z sorting letters packet! It's over 100 pages and includes pocket chart visuals, worksheets, and cute A-Z clip art so student's can practice their initial sounds. You can purchase the A-Z pack here.

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